
Interviewing 101: Willie Vance

                       Willie Vance, SHSU graduate, Freelance Photographer

A:What was the first picture you took?
W:The first picture I ever took was of myself, one of my frat brothers had been showing me how to use photoshop and out of everything he showed me I really only remembered these two effects. It was how to change your reflection in the mirror and how to pick certain colors in black and white pictures. So I set this little camera I on a tripod in my shower and snapped a picture of me in regular clothes looking at myself dressed like I’m going somewhere. That was the first picture I actually took myself, before that I’d bother my roommate Zaki to snap me new profile pictures for Facebook all the time lol.

A:What do you love Most about photography?
W:It’s a challenge and It makes other people feel good. I love to the challenge of getting the “Money Shot”. That’s one of those pictures where everything seems to come together all at once for you. My goal is for every picture to be that money shot. Photography is another opportunity for individuals to be creative and express their everyday views of life.

A:What would be your dream set location? And why?
W:I’m like any busy downtown area or nice landscape. Any time it’s a lot of people walking around, nice buildings vibrant colors and trees it’s a dream location for me!

A:How would it contribute to your portfolio?
W:For me those kind of locations would allow me to experiment many different forms of photography, which is good when you’re just starting out because you are able to get a feel for what your style of photography is, which in-turn makes for a strong portfolio.

A:How do you plan to inspire people with your work?
W:I try to inspire by example. Honestly when people see my work I just hope that whether they are a photographer or not that they are inspired to pursue something that interest them.

A:In your opinion, is it best to start a business while in college or post graduate? How did you juggle both?
W:In my opinion it doesn’t matter whether you’re in college or 50 years old lol. To me what matters the most when starting anything you plan to profit from is faith, consistency and progression. You have to first believe in what you’re doing in order to present it to someone else in confidence. To provide good work consistently, you have to take what you’re doing seriously. And never stop learning, progression is key.

A:How do you plan to expand your business?
W:At this point word of mouth is key I appreciate anybody I’ve taken pictures for because they like what I’m doing and spread the word. My main focus is learning and progressing. I feel like if I continue to get better and provide quality people will continue to reach out and show support, which will eventually lead to expansion.

A:What’s your current project your working on?
W:S.I.T.U.S with Sedrique D’Juan its not my project so i cant go into too much depth. But thats something I’m apart of, but outside of that I’ve just been working on spreading The Prescription brand and graduation coming up so I’m currently shooting and getting back grad pictures.

A:How do you market your business?
B:Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Tumblr lol. You name it, I’m on it. The internet has become the cornerstone for keeping people connected and when use correctly Social Networks can be very effective marketing tools.

A:Owing your own business, What is one important lesson you have learned?
W:I learned that I have to be patient. I pay attention to every detail of everything I do now because when trying to attract business it’s extremely important that your work is presented how you intended the first time.

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